Saturday, 20 April 2013

More New Toys

Look what arrived today. I really need to stop buying stuff.

Been after an ARM based development board for a while now. Not been really sure where to start then I stumbled upon these little beauties. The Steallaris Launch Pad from Texas Instruments. Based on the LM4F120H5QRFIG 80Mhz Cortex-M4F CPU with 256K Flash and 32K RAM bags of peripherals and external I/O. All this for less than a tenner. And the support online for these is phenomenal. Can't wait to get it up and running.

As well as the launchpad I also bought one of these little bluetooth modules from eBay.

Need a cheap way of achieving a short distance wireless serial link between two devices on another project. Was considering going down the ZigBee route but  the cheapest ZigBee modules I can find are nearly £30 each these little bluetooth modules are less than a third of the price. Lets just hope it works!

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